This documentation is for the new OMERO 5.1. version. See the latest OMERO 5.0.x version or the previous versions page to find documentation for the OMERO version you are using if you have not upgraded yet.
OMERO 5.1 introduces a new implementation of Model graph operations offered through the API via Chgrp2, Chown2, Delete2, and their superclass GraphModify2. The legacy request operations Chgrp, Chown, Delete, and their superclass GraphModify, are now deprecated and will be removed in OMERO 5.3. Now is the time to adjust client code accordingly so that the OME team can fix any regressions before the release of OMERO 5.3.
For specifying which model objects to operate on, instead of using one request for each object through GraphModify‘s type and id data members, use GraphModify2‘s targetObjects which allows specification of multiple model object classes, each with an unordered list of IDs, all in a single request. To specify a type, no longer use /-delimited paths, but instead just the class name, e.g. Image instead of /Image. To achieve a root-anchored subgraph operation use SkipHead to wrap your request: for instance, for /Image/Pixels/RenderingDef, set the SkipHead request’s targetObjects to the image(s), and set startFrom to RenderingDef.
GraphModify‘s options data member has its related analog in GraphModify2‘s childOptions, an ordered list of ChildOption instances, each of which allows its applicability to annotations to be limited by namespace. Some examples: includes the translateOptions method that may give additional insight on how to translate the previous style of option. This method too will be removed in OMERO 5.3.
chgrps = DoAll()
chgrps.requests = [Chgrp(type="/Image", id=n, grp=5) for n in [1,2,3]]
chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [1,2,3]}, groupId=5)
keepAnn = {"/Annotation": "KEEP"}
delete = Delete(type="/Plate", id=8, options=keepAnn)
keepAnn = [ChildOption(excludeType=['Annotation'])]
delete = Delete2(targetObjects={'Plate': [8]}, childOptions=keepAnn)
delete = Delete(type="/Image/Pixels/RenderingDef", id=6)
anchor = {'Image': [6]}
targets = ['RenderingDef']
delete = SkipHead(targetObjects=anchor, startFrom=targets,
A utility class provides convenient instantiation of graph requests. This class allows the requests from the above Python examples to be created by,
// move images
Chgrp2 example1 = Requests.chgrp("Image", Arrays.asList(1L,2L,3L), 5L);
// delete plate, but not annotations
ChildOption childOption = Requests.option(null, "Annotation");
Delete2 example2 = Requests.delete("Plate", 8L, childOption);
// delete an image's rendering settings
SkipHead example3 =
Requests.skipHead("Image", 6L, "RenderingDef", new Delete2());