What's new for OMERO 5.1 ======================== - :doc:`version-requirements` provides extensive details about which operating systems and dependency versions we will be supporting for the life of 5.1 and the likely changes to these for the next major release (currently slated to be 5.2). - A new configuration property :property:`omero.graphs.wrap` allows switching back to the old server code for moving and deleting data. If a regression with the new code requires changing this setting, ensure that a bug is filed with the OME team so it can be fixed before this configuration property is *removed* in OMERO 5.2. - OMERO 5.1 requires a Unicode-encoded (UTF8) database, the :doc:`server-upgrade` page has been updated to reflect this. - The server download policy can now be configured to restrict users' ability to download the original data e.g. by user or by data type. .. _web-breaking-changes: OMERO.web --------- - OMERO.web now defaults to being mounted at the root on all webservers with the exception of IIS (Windows production deployment) where it continues to be mounted on ``/omero``. Static files continue to be served from ``/static``. :ref:`Both prefixes can be customized ` (including on IIS) but note the configuration property :property:`omero.web.force_script_name` has changed to :property:`omero.web.prefix`. - :ref:`Apache 2.4 with mod_proxy_fcgi ` is now supported. - OMERO.web FastCGI processes default to listening on instead of all network interfaces. This improves security, see :ref:`customizing_your_omero_web_installation_unix` if you need to listen on another interface. - If OMERO.web is disabled the generated Nginx and Apache configurations automatically display a maintenance page. - The semantics of the command for generating the Nginx configuration has been modified as described below: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - 5.0.x command - 5.1.x command * - System configuration - ``omero web config nginx --system`` - ``omero web config nginx`` * - User configuration - ``omero web config nginx`` - ``omero web config nginx-development`` OMERO.mail ---------- A new :doc:`additional feature ` has been added. :doc:`mail` allows you to configure the server to email users, for example to alert group owners to broken links in OMERO.web.