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Users import their image files to the OMERO.fs server. The contents of these files are kept intact by the server and effort is also made to preserve the files’ path and name, so that OMERO.fs can become a trusted repository for the master copy of users’ data. While the default server configuration from etc/ should typically suffice, omero config set may be used to adjust settings related to file uploads. These settings are explained below.

Template path

When files are uploaded to the repository, a parent directory is created to receive the upload. A multi-file image has all its files stored in the same parent directory, though they may be in different subdirectories of that parent to mirror the original directory structure before upload. The omero.fs.repo.path setting defines the creation of that parent directory.

There is some flexibility in how this parent directory is named. The constraints are:

  • The path components must be /-separated, even on Windows systems.
  • A path component separator may be written as // with at least one path component listed after it. In this case:
    • The server ensures that the path components preceding the // are owned by the root user.
    • Any newly created path components following the // are owned by the user who owns the images. (This is the case for all newly created path components if no // is used.)
  • The path must be unique for each import. It is for this reason that the %time% term expands to a time with millisecond resolution.

Checksum algorithm

As the client uploads each file to the server, it calculates a checksum for the file. After the upload is complete the client reports that checksum to the server. The server then calculates the checksum for the corresponding file from its local filesystem and checks that it matches what the client reported. File integrity is thus assured because corruption during transmission or writing would be revealed by a checksum mismatch.

There are various algorithms by which checksums may be calculated. To calculate comparable checksums the client and server use the same algorithm. The server API permits clients to specify the algorithm, but it is expected that they will typically accept the server default set with the omero.checksum.default setting.

The available values, specified in components/model/resources/mappings/acquisition.ome.xml, are presently:

  • Adler-32
  • CRC-32
  • MD5-128
  • Murmur3-32
  • Murmur3-128
  • SHA1-160

The number that suffixes each of the checksum algorithm names specifies the bit width of the resulting checksum. A larger bit width makes it less likely that different files will have the same checksum by coincidence, but lengthens the checksum hex strings that are reported to the user and stored in the hash column of the originalfile table in the database.