On each startup the OMERO server checks for available upgrades via the UpgradeCheck class. An HTTP GET call is made to the URL configured in etc/omero.properties as omero.upgrades.url, currently http://upgrade.openmicroscopy.org.uk by default. (Viewing this page in your browser will redirect you to this page).
Currently the only action taken when an upgrade is necessary is a log statement at WARN level.
2011-09-01 12:21:32,070 WARN [ ome.system.UpgradeCheck] ( main) UPGRADE AVAILABLE:Please upgrade to Beta-4.3.3 See http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/omero for the latest version
Future versions may also send emails and/or IMs to administrators. In the case of critical upgrades, the server may refuse to start.
Currently, the only information which is being transmitted to the server is:
Currently the “poll” property is unused.
If this is a problem for your site, please see Disabling below.
If you would prefer to have no checks made, the check can be disabled by setting the omero.upgrades.url property to an empty string:
To use the UpgradeCheck class from your own code, it is necessary to have common.jar on your classpath. Then,
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("omero")
String version = bundle.getString("omero.version");
String url = bundle.getString("omero.upgrades.url");
ome.system.UpgradeCheck check = new UpgradeCheck(
url, version, "insight"); // Or "importer", etc.
// optionally
will connect to the server and check your current version against the latest release.
$ psql -h localhost -U postgres feedback
feedback=# select * from registry_version;
id | version
1 | Beta-4.2.2
(1 row)
feedback=# select now();
2011-06-27 16:01:30.749654+01
(1 row)
feedback=# update registry_version set version = 'Beta-4.3.0' where id = 1;
See also