Omero logging ============= All OMERO components written in Java use ` Log4J `_ (mostly via ` Commons-Logging `_); all components written in python use the built-in ``logging`` module. .. Warning:: Refrain from calling ``logging.basicConfig()`` anywhere in your module except in ``if __name__ == "__main__"`` blocks. Java clients ------------ Java clients log to ``$HOME/omero/log``. The number of files and their size are limited. Logging is configured by log4j properties files contained within the jars themselves. For OmeroImport, the file is here: :source:` `, which delegates to :source:`LogAppenderProxy ` for much of the configuration. Another file in that directory -- :source:` ` controls the output for the command line importer: all logging goes to standard err, while useful output (pixel ids, or used files) goes to standard out. Java servers ------------ Java server components are configured by passing ``-Dlog4j.configuration=etc/log4j.xml`` to each Java process. :source:` ` guarantees that the `log4j.xml ` file is read periodically so that changes to your logging configuration do not require a restart. By default, the output from log4j is sent to: ``var/log/.log``. Once files reach a size of 500MB, they are rolled over to ``.log.1``, ``.log.2``, etc. Once the files have rolled over, you can safely delete or compress (bzip2, gzip, zip) them. Alternatively, once you are comfortable with the stability of your server, you can either reduce logging or the number and size of the files kept. **Note:** if something goes wrong with your server installation, the log files can be very useful in tracking down issues. Python servers -------------- Python servers are configured by a call to ``omero.util.configure_server_logging(props)``. The property values are taken from the configuration file passed to the server via icegridnode. For example, the config file for Processor-0 can be found in ``var/master/servers/Processor-0/config/config``. These values come from the :source:`templates.xml `. All the "omero.logging.\*" properties can be overwritten in your :source:`default.xml ` file (or on Windows, :source:`etc/grid/windefault.xml `). See the "Profile" properties block for how to configure for your site. Similar to log4j, logging is configured to be written to ``var/log/.log`` and to maintain 9 backups of at most 500MB. stdout and stderr ----------------- Though all components try to avoid it, some output will still go to stdout/stderr. On non-Windows systems, all of this output will be sent to the ``var/log/master.out`` and ``var/log/master.err`` files. Windows stdout and stderr ------------------------- On Windows, the state of stdout and stderr is somewhat different. No information will be written to master.out, master.err, or similar files. Instead, what logging is produced will go to the Windows Event Viewer, but finding error situations can be considerably more challenging (See :ticket:`1449` for more information). Upcoming documentation on logging in Omero ------------------------------------------ - --debug / --report / --email / --upload - tracing and warning settings - zipping logs for feedback