Continuous integration workflow =============================== .. _Sphinx: .. _Wikipedia: .. _openmicroscopy.git: .. _bioformats.git: .. _ome-documentation.git: .. _scripts.git: Definitions ----------- Versioning ^^^^^^^^^^ .. glossary:: Major release What Sphinx_ calls a “version number” is defined on Wikipedia_ as a “minor number” and in OME is typically considered a major release, e.g. |version|. Point release Similarly, a Sphinx_ “release number” is a “revision number” on Wikipedia_ and an OME point release, e.g. |release|. Development branches ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Most of the OME code is split between four repositories: openmicroscopy.git_, bioformats.git_, scripts.git_, ome-documentation.git_. For each repository, two development branches are maintained simultaneously: * The "|devbranch|" branch ("stable" branch) contains work on the stable release version and will only be released as a point release. * The "develop" branch contains work on the next major release. It is possible to have a point release immediately, while still working on more major releases by ensuring that (nearly) all commits that are applied to |devbranch| are applied to develop in order to prevent regressions. Labels ^^^^^^ Labels are applied to PRs on GitHub under the “Issues” tab of each repository. The next point release consists of PRs labelled with “|devbranch|”, which is the name of the branch which they will be merged into. The next major release consists of PRs labelled with “develop”, which is also the name of the branch which they will be merged into. Three labels are used in the PR reviewing process: “include”, “exclude”, and "on hold". The “include” label allows you to include a PR opened by a non-member of the OME organization in the merge builds for review. The “exclude” label allows you to exclude a PR opened by any user from the merge builds. The "on hold" label allows you to signal that a PR should not be reviewed or merged, even though it is not excluded. .. |merge| replace:: Merges PRs using :ref:`scc merge` .. |buildOMERO| replace:: Builds the OMERO.server and the clients using :source:` ` .. |archiveOMEROartifacts| replace:: Archives the build artifacts .. |deployOMERO| replace:: Deploys the server under :file:`~/OMERO-CURRENT` on .. |promoteOMERO| replace:: copies the artifacts to necromancer .. |buildVM| replace:: Builds a |VM| using :source:` ` .. |updatesubmodules| replace:: Updates submodules using ``scc update-submodules`` OMERO jobs ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * Next point release * Next major release - * Build OMERO using Ice 3.3 * :term:`OMERO-stable` * :term:`OMERO-trunk` - * Build OMERO using Ice 3.4 * :term:`OMERO-stable-ice34` * :term:`OMERO-trunk-ice34` - * Build an OMERO Virtual Appliance * :term:`OMERO-stable-virtualbox` * :term:`OMERO-trunk-virtualbox` - * Review OMERO PRs using Ice 3.3 * :term:`OMERO-merge-stable` * :term:`OMERO-merge-develop` - * Review OMERO PRs using Ice 3.4 * :term:`OMERO-merge-stable-ice34` * :term:`OMERO-merge-develop-ice34` - * Review OMERO PRs using a Virtual Appliance * :term:`OMERO-merge-stable-virtualbox` * :term:`OMERO-merge-develop-virtualbox` - * Update submodules * :term:`OMERO-submods-stable` * :term:`OMERO-submods-develop` Next point release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the next point release of OMERO is |devbranch|. All jobs are listed under the :jenkinsview:`Stable <2.%20Stable>` view tab of Jenkins. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-stable` This job is used to build the |devbranch| branch of OMERO with Ice 3.3 #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. If the build is promoted, |promoteOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-stable-ice34` This job is used to build the |devbranch| branch of OMERO with Ice 3.4 #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. If the build is promoted, |promoteOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-stable-virtualbox` This job is used to build a Virtual Appliance from the |devbranch| branch of OMERO #. |buildVM| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of OMERO with Ice 3.3 #. |merge| and pushes the merged branch to snoopycrimecop/merge/|devbranch|/latest #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. |deployOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-stable-ice34` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of OMERO with Ice 3.4 #. Checks out the merge/|devbranch|/latest branch of the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-stable-virtualbox` This job is used to build a Virtual Appliance from the |devbranch| branch with the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of OMERO #. Checks out the merge/|devbranch|/latest branch of the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ #. |buildVM| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-submods-stable` This job is used to update the submodules on the |devbranch| branch #. |updatesubmodules| and pushes the merged branch to snoopycrimecop/merge/|devbranch|/submodules #. If the submodules are updated, opens a new PR or updates the existing |devbranch| submodules PR Next major release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the next major release of OMERO is develop. All jobs are listed under the :jenkinsview:`Trunk <1.%20Trunk>` view tab of Jenkins. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-trunk` This job is used to build the develop branch of OMERO with Ice 3.3. #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. If the build is promoted, |promoteOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-trunk-ice34` This job is used to build the develop branch of OMERO with Ice 3.4 #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. If the build is promoted, |promoteOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-trunk-virtualbox` This job is used to build a Virtual Appliance from the develop branch of OMERO #. |buildVM| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of OMERO with Ice 3.3 #. |merge| and pushes the merged branch to snoopycrimecop/merge/develop/latest #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| #. |deployOMERO| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-develop-ice34` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of OMERO with Ice 3.4 #. Checks out the merge/develop/latest branch of the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ #. |buildOMERO| #. |archiveOMEROartifacts| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-merge-develop-virtualbox` This job is used to build a Virtual Appliance from the develop branch with the PRs opened against the develop branch of OMERO #. Checks out the merge/develop/latest branch of the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ #. |buildVM| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-submods-develop` This job is used to update the submodules on the develop branch #. |updatesubmodules| and pushes the merge branch to snoopycrimecop/merge/develop/submodules #. If the submodules are updated, opens a new PR or updates the existing |devbranch| submodules PR Bio-Formats jobs ---------------- .. |buildBF| replace:: Builds Bio-Formats using ``ant clean jars tools tools-ome utils dist-bftools`` .. |testBF| replace:: Runs Bio-Formats tests using ``ant test-common test-ome-xml test-formats test-ome-io`` .. |fulltestBF| replace:: Runs Bio-Formats full test-suite using ``ant test`` All jobs are listed under the :jenkinsview:`Bio-Formats` view tab of Jenkins. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * Next point release * Next major release - * Build Bio-Formats * :term:`BIOFORMATS-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-trunk` - * Publish Bio-Formats to the LOCI Nexus repository * :term:`BIOFORMATS-maven-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-maven` - * Review Bio-Formats PRs * :term:`BIOFORMATS-merge-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-merge-develop` - * Run automated tests against directories on squig * :term:`BIOFORMATS-full-repository-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-full-repository-develop` Next point release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the next point release of Bio-Formats is |devbranch|. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-stable` This job is used to build the |devbranch| branch of Bio-Formats #. |buildBF| #. |testBF| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-maven-stable` This job is used to publish the |devbranch| branch of Bio-Formats to the LOCI Nexus repository :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-merge-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of Bio-Formats by running basic unit tests, checking for open file handles, and checking for regressions across a representative subset of the data repository #. |merge| #. |buildBF| #. |fulltestBF| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-full-repository-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of Bio-Formats by running automated tests against directories on squig #. |merge| #. Run tests against directories configured by ``--test dirname`` comments on the PRs Next major release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the next major release of Bio-Formats is develop. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-trunk` This job is used to build the develop branch of Bio-Formats #. |buildBF| #. |testBF| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-maven` This job is used to publish the develop branch of Bio-Formats to the LOCI Nexus repository :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-merge-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of Bio-Formats by running basic unit tests, checking for open file handles, and checking for regressions across a representative subset of the data repository #. |merge| #. |buildBF| #. |fulltestBF| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-full-repository-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of Bio-Formats by running automated tests against directories on squig #. |merge| #. Run tests against directories configured by ``--test dirname`` comments on the PRs .. |sphinxbuild| replace:: Runs ``make clean html latexpdf`` to build the HTML and PDF versions of the Sphinx documentation .. |linkcheck| replace:: Runs ``make linkcheck`` and :ref:`parse the Sphinx linkcheck output ` .. |ssh-doc| replace:: Copies the HTML and PDF documentation over SSH to .. |deploy-doc| replace:: Runs :ref:`scc deploy` to update Documentation jobs ------------------ All documentation jobs are listed under the :jenkinsview:`Docs ` view tab of Jenkins. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * Current release/next point release * Next major release - * Publish OMERO documentation * :term:`OMERO-docs-release-stable` * :term:`OMERO-docs-release-develop` - * Publish Bio-Formats documentation * :term:`BIOFORMATS-docs-release-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-docs-release-develop` - * Publish OME Model documentation * :term:`FORMATS-docs-release-stable` * :term:`FORMATS-docs-release-develop` - * Review OMERO documentation PRs * :term:`OMERO-docs-merge-stable` * :term:`OMERO-docs-merge-develop` - * Review Bio-Formats documentation PRs * :term:`BIOFORMATS-docs-merge-stable` * :term:`BIOFORMATS-docs-merge-develop` - * Review OME Model documentation PRs * :term:`FORMATS-docs-merge-stable` * :term:`FORMATS-docs-merge-develop` Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For all jobs building documentation using Sphinx, the HTML documentation theme hosted at repository is copied to the relevant :file:`themes/` folder. The following environment variables are then used: - the Sphinx building options, :envvar:`SPHINXOPTS`, is set to ``-W -D html_theme=sphinx_theme``, - the release number of the documentation is set by :envvar:`OMERO_RELEASE`, :envvar:`BF_RELEASE` or :envvar:`FORMATS_RELEASE`, - the source code links use :envvar:`SOURCE_USER` and :envvar:`SOURCE_BRANCH`, - for the Bio-Formats and OMERO sets of documentation, the name of the Jenkins job is set by :envvar:`JENKINS_JOB`. Current release/next point release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the current release of OMERO/Bio-Formats/OME model is |devbranch|. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-docs-release-stable` This job is used to build the |devbranch| of the OMERO documentation and publish the official documentation for the current release of OMERO #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. If the build is promoted, #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-docs-release-stable` This job is used to build the |devbranch| of the Bio-Formats documentation and publish the official documentation for the current release of Bio-Formats #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. If the build is promoted, #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`FORMATS-docs-release-stable` This job is used to build the |devbranch| of the OME Model documentation and publish the official documentation for the current release of Bio-Formats #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. If the build is promoted, #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-docs-merge-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of the OMERO documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-docs-merge-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of the Bio-Formats documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`FORMATS-docs-merge-stable` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the |devbranch| branch of the OME Model documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` Next major release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the next major release of OMERO/Bio-Formats/OME model is develop. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-docs-release-develop` This job is used to build the develop branch of the OMERO documentation and publish the official documentation for the next major release of OMERO #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. If the build is promoted, #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-docs-release-develop` This job is used to build the develop branch of the Bio-Formats documentation and publish the official documentation for the next major release of Bio-Formats #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. If the build is promoted, #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`FORMATS-docs-release-develop` This job is used to build the develop branch of the OME Model documentation and publish the official documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-docs-merge-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of the OMERO documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-docs-merge-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of the Bio-Formats documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| :jenkinsjob:`FORMATS-docs-merge-develop` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of the OME Model documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| #. |ssh-doc| :file:`/var/www/` #. |deploy-doc| .. _linkcheck_parser: Linkcheck output parser ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _Warnings Plugin: The :file:`output.txt` file generated by Sphinx ``linkcheck`` builder is parsed using the `Warnings Plugin`_. Depending on the nature of the links, warnings are generated as described in the following table: ====== ================ ======== Type Error code Priority ====== ================ ======== local High broken HTTP Error 404 Normal broken Anchor not found Normal broken HTTP Error 403 Low ====== ================ ======== The build is marked as FAILED or UNSTABLE if the number of warnings of a given category exceeds a threshold. The table below lists the thresholds used for all the documentation builds: ======== ====== ======== Priority FAILED UNSTABLE ======== ====== ======== High 0 Normal 0 Low 10 ======== ====== ======== Schematic drawing ----------------- .. image:: /images/CI-workflow.png :align: center :alt: Continuous Integration workflow :width: 55%