LoginAttemptListener ==================== All the :doc:`/developers/Server/PasswordProvider` implementations provided by default publish a ":source:`LoginAttemptMessage `\ " every time they check a password value. This permits any ``org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener`` to react to the login. Only one implementation is active by default (as of 4.2.1): :source:`ome.security.auth.LoginAttemptListener ` which throttles logins after a given number of failed attempts. Configuration for this listener is available in :source:`etc/omero.properties`: :: omero.security.login_failure_throttle_count=1 # Number of failed attempts before throttling begins omero.security.login_failure_throttle_time=3000 # Time in milliseconds A more sophisticated listener would lock the user's account until an administrator intervenes. This is the goal of :ticket:`3139`.