Package omero.grid

Interface _ImportProcessOperationsNC

    • Method Detail

      • getUploader

        RawFileStorePrx getUploader​(int i)
                             throws ServerError
        Step 1: Returns a RawFileStore that can be used to upload one of the used files. The index is the same as the used file listed in ImportLocation. omero.api.RawFileStore.close should be called once all data has been transferred. If the file must be re-written, call getUploader with the same index again. Once all uploads have been completed, verifyUpload should be called to initiate background processing
      • verifyUpload

        HandlePrx verifyUpload​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> hash)
                        throws ServerError
        Step 2: Passes a set of client-side calculated hashes to the server for verifying that all of the files were correctly uploaded. If this passes then a Handle proxy is returned, which completes all the necessary import steps. A successful import will return an ImportResponse. Otherwise, some ERR will be returned.
      • getUploadOffset

        long getUploadOffset​(int i)
                      throws ServerError
        In case an upload must be resumed, this provides the location of the last successful upload.
      • getHandle

        HandlePrx getHandle()
                     throws ServerError
        Reacquire the handle which was returned by verifyUpload. This is useful in case a new client is re-attaching to a running import. From the Handle instance, the original ImportRequest can also be found.