Enum Tool is a Python application designed to digest OME XML schema and produce meaningful output about enumerations.
$ ./enum-tool
Expecting single ome.xsd file path!
Usage: ./enum-tool (-t | -x | -d <file>) [path/to/ome.xsd]
Toolkit for working with enumerations from an OME XML Schema definition.
-t Dumps all enumerations in a visual tree
-x Displays the XPath expressions for each enumeration
-d file Diffs enumeration possible values from an XPath
configuration file. This file is expected to have two sections
the first containing the "old" and "new" XSD files and the
second containing the XPath mappings. (See: example.cfg)
./enum-tool -t schemas/ome.xsd
./enum-tool -x schemas/ome.xsd
./enum-tool -d example.cfg
Report bugs to OME-Devel <ome-devel@lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk
Enum Tool has two formats for providing information about enumerations within OME XML schemata:
XPath format
$ ./enum-tool -x tmp/ome.xsd
Tree/graph format
$ ./enum-tool -t tmp/ome.xsd
+-- OME
+-- Image
+-- DisplayOptions
+-- Display(xs:string)
+-- RGB
+-- Grey
+-- OME
+-- Experiment
+-- Type(xs:string)
+-- FP
+-- FRET
+-- Time-lapse
+-- 4-D+
Enum Tool can be used to diff or compare two schema files by XPath. This is particularly useful when attempting to build XSL stylesheets to move from one schema version to another.
$ ./enum-tool -x tmp/old.xsd | sort > old
$ ./enum-tool -x tmp/new.xsd | sort > new
Now, using a spreadsheet or other visual differencing tool we build a mapping file, which outlines the new and old schema as well as an enumerated list of XPath mappings between the two schema.
And finally, our diff:
$ ./enum-tool -d example.cfg
/OME/Instrument/Detector@Type:EM-CCD not in /OME/Instrument/Detector@Type
/OME/Instrument/Detector@Type:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/Detector@Type
/OME/Instrument/LightSource/Arc@Type:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/LightSource/Arc@Type
/OME/Instrument/LightSource/Filament@Type:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/LightSource/Filament@Type
/OME/Instrument/LightSource/Laser@LaserMedium:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/LightSource/Laser@LaserMedium
/OME/Instrument/LightSource/Laser@Type:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/LightSource/Laser@Type
/OME/Instrument/Microscope@Type:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/Microscope@Type
/OME/Instrument/Objective/Correction:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/Objective@Correction
/OME/Instrument/Objective/Immersion:Unknown not in /OME/Instrument/Objective@Immersion
Thanks to Dave Kuhlman for his work on generateDS which Enum Tool makes heavy use of internally.
See also