Release jobs ------------ The following table lists the main Jenkins jobs used during the release process. All release jobs should be listed under the :jenkinsview:`Release` view. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * OMERO - * Trigger the OMERO release jobs * :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-trigger` - * Tags the OMERO source code repository * :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-push` - * Build the OMERO download artifacts * :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release` - * Generate the OMERO downloads page * :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-downloads` - * Deploy the documentation for the decoupled repositories * :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-artifacts` .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * Bio-Formats - * Build the Bio-Formats download artifacts * :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-DEV-release` Bio-Formats ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`BIOFORMATS-DEV-release` This job builds the Java downloads artifacts of Bio-Formats #. Checks out the v:envvar:`RELEASE` tag of #. |buildBF| #. Downloads the documentation artifacts from OME artifactory #. |copyreleaseartifacts| OMERO ^^^^^ .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-trigger` This job triggers the OMERO release jobs. Prior to running it, its variables need to be properly configured: - :envvar:`RELEASE` is the OMERO release number. - :envvar:`ANNOUNCEMENT_URL` is the URL of the forum release announcement and should be set to the value of the URL of the private post until it becomes public. - :envvar:`MILESTONE` is the name of the Trac milestone which the download pages should be linked to. #. Triggers :term:`OMERO-DEV-release-push` #. Triggers :term:`OMERO-DEV-release` See :jenkinsjob:`the build graph ` :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-push` This job creates a tag on the `develop` branch #. Runs `scc tag-release $RELEASE` and pushes the tag to the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release` This matrix job builds the OMERO components with Ice 3.6 #. Checks out the :envvar:`RELEASE` tag of the snoopycrimecop fork of openmicroscopy.git_ #. |buildOMERO| #. Executes the `release-hudson` target for the `ome.staging` Maven repository #. |copyreleaseartifacts| #. Triggers :term:`OMERO-DEV-release-downloads` :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-downloads` This job builds the OMERO downloads page #. Checks out the `develop` branch of #. Runs `make clean omero` :jenkinsjob:`OMERO-DEV-release-artifacts` This job deploys the Javadoc and the slice2html documentation #. Loops through omero-{model,common,romio,renderer,server,blitz,gateway-java} #. Checks the latest version available on #. Deploys the documentation in the respective directory Documentation release jobs are documented on :doc:`ci-docs`.