Documentation jobs ------------------ All documentation jobs are listed under the :jenkinsview:`Docs ` view tab of Jenkins. A :guilabel:`GitHub` button in the left-side panel of the job window links to the code repository the job is building from (alternatively, the console output for the build will indicate where the changes are being fetched from). More detail on how and where to edit OME documentation is available on the :doc:`editing-docs` page. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * OMERO 5.x series - * Builds the OMERO documentation for review * :term:`OMERO-docs` The Bio-Formats documentation jobs are described in the :doc:`ci-bio-formats` section. The OME Model and OME Contributing documentation sets are independent of the current OMERO/Bio-Formats version. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * - * Publish OME Contributing documentation * :term:`CONTRIBUTING-latest-docs` - * Review OME Contributing documentation PRs * :term:`CONTRIBUTING-merge-docs` .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - * Job task * - * Review PRs opened against the OME Website * :term:`WEBSITE-push` - * Review PRs opened against the Presentations website * :term:`PRESENTATIONS-merge` Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For all jobs building documentation using Sphinx, the following environment variables are used: - the Sphinx building options, :envvar:`SPHINXOPTS`, is set to ``-Dsphinx.opts="-W"`` - the release number of the documentation is set by :envvar:`OMERO_RELEASE`, :envvar:`BF_RELEASE` or by the relevant POM - the source code links use :envvar:`SOURCE_USER` and :envvar:`SOURCE_BRANCH` - for the Bio-Formats and OMERO sets of documentation, the name of the Jenkins job is set by :envvar:`JENKINS_JOB`. Note that the repository is no longer used, this hosted the theme to match the old plone website. OMERO 5.x series ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The branch for the 5.x series of the OMERO documentation is develop. .. glossary:: :mergecijob:`OMERO-docs` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of the OMERO 5.x documentation #. |merge| #. Pushes the branch to :omedoc_scc_branch:`merge_ci` #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| OME Contributing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The OME Contributing documentation is located in the ome-documentation repository and is built from the develop branch. .. glossary:: :jenkinsjob:`CONTRIBUTING-merge-docs` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the develop branch of the OME Contributing documentation #. |merge| #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| :jenkinsjob:`CONTRIBUTING-latest-docs` This job is used to build the develop branch of the OME Contributing documentation and publish the official documentation #. |sphinxbuild| #. |linkcheck| Jekyll websites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following set of jobs is used to review or publish the content of the :doc:`OME Jekyll websites `. .. glossary:: :mergecijob:`WEBSITE-push` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the master branch of #. |merge| and pushes the branch to #. The GitHub Pages service deploys the staging website content under :jenkinsjob:`PRESENTATIONS-merge` This job is used to review the PRs opened against the master branch of #. |merge| and pushes the branch to #. The GitHub Pages service deploys the staging website content under