Development of the OME Data Model ================================= .. warning:: This page is being restructured following the decoupling of the data model from the Bio-Formats code repository. An updated version will be published shortly. Introduction ------------ This is a document describing a way to work and publish the OME model schema on the OME website, based on observations of the 2016-06 release being performed; that release version is used in the examples below. Throughout the process it is important to not just copy and paste, but to understand what is actually being done and why. The text below is not quite yet a step-by-step guide, more a set of explanations that should make the necessary steps clear. Many of the command-line scripts below assume that you start at the top level of your Bio-Formats repository, and they include some :file:`/path/to` directories for you to adjust as appropriate. Schema development ------------------ .. _clean_bf_repo: Clean the repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In working with the Bio-Formats git repository, first clean the unnecessary files away so that they cause no confusing clutter that wastes your time. From the top-level :file:`bioformats` folder, while :command:`ant clean` and :command:`mvn clean` are both fine approaches, the most thorough is :command:`git clean -dfx`. Major or minor release? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A minor release of the OME model schema may suffice for changes like adding new legal values to an existing enumeration. A release *must* be major if, * some documents that validate under the current release will not validate under the new one (a major "data-level" change) * some terms in the schema have changed meaning and may thus be acted on differently (a major "information-level" change) A major release requires changing the schema's namespace. For a minor release it suffices to increment the value of the `version` attribute of the `xsd:schema` element, leaving the namespace unchanged. .. seealso:: :bf_pr:`PR #1999 <1999>` (major schema change), :bf_pr:`PR #2553 <2553>` (minor schema change) Create the new schema directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: This subsection is for major releases only. A minor release can reuse the schema directory for the current release, so skip over this part. For the schema release process a high fraction of the necessary work occurs in Bio-Formats' `components/specification` directory. Inside there, `components/specification/released-schema` contains a subdirectory for each schema, even before its actual release. To preserve the version history, the creation of the new schema directory is performed across a pair of commits. First, the latest patch gets its new name, for example:: cd components/specification/released-schema mkdir 2015-01 git mv 2013-10-dev-5/catalog.xml 2015-01 git mv 2013-10-dev-5/*.xsd 2015-01 then, for the subsequent commit, remember to do:: git checkout HEAD^ 2013-10-dev-5/catalog.xml git checkout HEAD^ 2013-10-dev-5/*.xsd git add 2013-10-dev-5/* to restore the released files from the latest patch. In this way, the files of the actually released schema retain their version history. For an even later commit one may consider:: git rm -r 2013-10-dev-? which removes the patch versions if no longer desired. .. note:: It may make sense to adjust the above :command:`git mv` commands to move fewer files to the release directory. For instance, :file:`OMERO.xsd` is not used by the OME schema so need not be released alongside it in the :file:`2015-01` directory if has not been changed since the previous release. Catalog files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The released schema directories have catalog files that list their contents. For instance:: cd components/specification/released-schema find . -name catalog.xml Within each commit, each catalog file should be kept up to date with changes made in that same directory, such that the catalogs always list exactly the available schema definitions. XML transforms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The changes made to the released schemas should be accompanied by changes to the XML transforms in `components/specification/transforms`. For major releases use :command:`git mv` in renaming the upgrade and downgrade for the latest patch. Remember to restore the originals in a later commit, as above when restoring the schema definition files for the latest patch. For minor releases it suffices to adjust the existing upgrade and downgrade transforms for the current release. Remember that users may be downgrading from an earlier minor version than this newest version. The transforms' analog of the catalog files is `components/specification/transforms/ome-transforms.xml` which should describe the transforms in its directory for that commit. Search and replace ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: This subsection is for major releases only. A minor release reuses the current release and patch versions, so skip over this part. There are various references to the latest patch version and even the latest release version to be updated; the whole Bio-Formats repository requires checking. In replacing the "2013-10-dev-5" schema references within the actual schema definition files in the new :file:`released-schema/2015-01` directory, also update the copyright date in their headers, and the date in :file:`ome.xsd`'s first `xsd:documentation` tag. Likewise, with the XML transforms, update the copyright date in their headers, and in the attributes appearing near the start of `components/specification/transforms/ome-transforms.xml`. Other files in which to fix the schema version include: * `components/autogen/` and `ant/xsd-fu.xml` for code generation * the Project Object Model, Maven's `pom.xml` * the `components/specification/publish` because of the HTML within * checks in the Bio-Formats code for the latest schema version, including various Java classes (`version.equals`, `SCHEMA_LOCATION`, etc.) Avoid changing: * sample files in `components/specification/samples` * old schema releases Testing ^^^^^^^ Once the above changes have been made and committed, it is time to test. This requires having various prerequisites installed for Bio-Formats development, including for the `C++ implementation `_. Before each test, :ref:`clean the repository `:: git clean -dfx ant test git clean -dfx mvn test git clean -dfx TMPDIR=/tmp/bf-build-`date +%s` mkdir $TMPDIR pushd $TMPDIR cmake `dirs +1` make ctest -V popd You may care to give :command:`make` an additional ``-j`` option specifying the number of cores to use in parallelizing the build. Note that the :command:`ctest` step can take a long time. Sample files ------------ OME-XML sample files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the schemas and transforms are moved and named to fit the release version, then the sample files can be upgraded. A new copy of the sample files is created in a new directory, updated to the new schema using :command:`xsltproc` with the new transform, then pretty-printed with :command:`xmllint` or similar. A sufficient command-line approach is:: cd components/specification/samples for SRC in `find 2015-01 -type f -name '*.ome' -o -name '*.xml'` do DEST=`echo $SRC | sed -e 's/^2015-01/2016-06/‘` mkdir -p `dirname $DEST` <$SRC xsltproc ../transforms/2015-01-to-2016-06.xsl - | xmllint --format - >$DEST done The OME-TIFF files require special handling, as they do not have an automatic update tool. First, identify them and copy them to the new directory:: find 2015-01 -name '*.ome.tiff' cp 2015-01/set-1-meta-companion/*.ome.tiff 2016-06/set-1-meta-companion/ Next, each OME-TIFF file must be edited to have the schema version changed to that of the new release. They are binary files so choice of editor is important; the other non-text data must be preserved. One of several suitable options is Emacs' `Hexl mode `_. OME-TIFF sample files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sample files for each schema release version are available under The sample files in the previous release's directory, and the multi-file samples in its :file:`tubhiswt-*` directories, are upgraded to the new schema using :command:`bfconvert` from the updated Bio-Formats repository: in that repository use :command:`ant tools` to generate the necessary :file:`bioformats_package.jar` Java archive file. The sample files from the subdirectories are provided also as compressed "zip" archive files. The files in the :file:`bioformats-artificial` subdirectory are generated by other Bio-Formats classes. Putting these facts together, setting up the new "2016-06” samples folder is easily achieved:: mkdir 2016-06 mkdir 2016-06/binaryonly mkdir 2016-06/companion mkdir 2016-06/modulo cd 2015-01 for i in *.ome.tif* do /path/to/bioformats/tools/bfconvert $i ../2016-06/$i done cd binaryonly for i in *.ome.tif* do /path/to/bioformats/tools/bfconvert $i ../../2016-06/binaryonly/$i done cd ../companion for i in *.ome.tif* do /path/to/bioformats/tools/bfconvert $i ../../2016-06/companion/$i done cd ../modulo for i in *.ome.tif* do /path/to/bioformats/tools/bfconvert $i ../../2016-06/modulo/$i done for i in tubhiswt-?D do mkdir ../2016-06/$i FROM=`ls $i | head -n 1` TO=`echo $FROM | sed -e 's/_C0/_C%c/ ; s/_TP0/_TP%t/'` /path/to/bioformats/tools/bfconvert $i/$FROM ../2016-06/$i/$TO done cd ../2016-06 for i in tubhiswt-?D ; do zip $ $i/* ; done mkdir bioformats-artificial cd bioformats-artificial /path/to/bioformats/tools/ for i in *.ome.tif ; do zip $ $i ; done Review the new sample files to ensure that they look correct. At the end of the next step they are published online. Binary Only and companion files: The OMETiffWriter does not support the writing of sample BinaryOnly or Companion files. If the only required update is to change the schema version then the files may be edited with a Hex Editor. Any additional editing may change the length of the file and invalidate the tiff header. In instances where more detailed changes are required to BinaryOnly samples: * Write a short program using OMETiffReader and Writer to read and write the existing sample * Using debugging tools, inject the desired OME XML prior to saveComment in OMETiffWriter close function * Ensure when modifying the XML that the UUID values are correct * Verify that files pass using xmlvalid and tiffinfo commands Schema publication ------------------ .. _oXygen: Schema release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once a specification change has been made into an `ome-model` release, the `publish` script in the repository automatically generates new schemas pages published at Generated documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Documentation for the released schema must be generated from the :file:`ome.xsd` definition file. The XML editor oXygen_ is recommended for this task, and requires the schema definitions to have been published online as described above. To build the generated documentation for a given release:: /Applications/oxygen/$RELEASE/ome.xsd -cfg:components/specification/omeOxygenDocConfig.xml Check that the documentation generated in the new :file:`output` directory all looks correct. The :jenkinsjob:`SCHEMA-documentation` job will generate the oXygen_ documentation for a given version of the schema. Once generated, this documentation can be transferred to a :file:`$RELEASE` subfolder of :file:`/var/www/html/` on `web-prod`.