
Extensions: .wlz

Developer: MRC Human Genetics Unit


BSD-licensed: No

Export: Yes

Officially Supported Versions:

Reader: WlzReader (Source Code, Supported Metadata Fields)

Writer: WlzWriter (Source Code)

Freely Available Software:

We currently have:

  • a few Woolz datasets


Pixels: 4 - Very Good

Metadata: 4 - Very Good

Openness: 4 - Very Good

Presence: 1 - Poor

Utility: 2 - Fair

Additional Information

Both the reader and the writer requires the Woolz image processing library to be installed - see https://www.emouseatlas.org/emap/analysis_tools_resources/software/woolz.html for more details

Support for the Woolz format will be removed from Bio-Formats 7.0.0 onwards. For users who wish to retain support for existing Woolz files, we recommend converting these file-sets to an actively maintained open format such as OME-TIFF. This can be achieved using the Bio-Formats bfconvert command line tool as outlined in command line tools