CellProfiler ============ `CellProfiler`_—developed by the `Broad Institute Imaging Platform`_—is free open-source software designed to enable biologists without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively measure phenotypes from thousands of images automatically. CellProfiler uses Bio-Formats to read images from disk, as well as write movies. Installation ------------ The CellProfiler distribution comes with Bio-Formats included, so no further installation is necessary. Upgrading --------- It should be possible to use a newer version of Bio-Formats by replacing the bundled **loci\_tools.jar** with a newer version. - For example, on Mac OS X, Ctrl+click the CellProfiler icon, choose :guilabel:`Show Package Contents`, and replace the following files: - :file:`Contents/Resources/bioformats/loci_tools.jar` - :file:`Contents/Resources/lib/python2.5/bioformats/loci_tools.jar` .. seealso:: `CellProfiler`_ Website of the CellProfiler software :doc:`/developers/python-dev` Section of the developer documentation describing the Python wrapper for Bio-Formats used by CellProfiler .. _CellProfiler: http://cellprofiler.org/ .. _Broad Institute Imaging Platform: https://www.broadinstitute.org/imaging