******************************************************************************* FakeReader ******************************************************************************* This page lists supported metadata fields for the Bio-Formats Simulated data format reader. These fields are from the :model_doc:`OME data model <>`. Bio-Formats standardizes each format's original metadata to and from the OME data model so that you can work with a particular piece of metadata (e.g. physical width of the image in microns) in a format-independent way. Of the 476 fields documented in the :doc:`metadata summary table `: * The file format itself supports 91 of them (19%). * Of those, Bio-Formats fully or partially converts 91 (100%). Supported fields =============================================================================== These fields are fully supported by the Bio-Formats Simulated data format reader: * :schema:`BooleanAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`BooleanAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`BooleanAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`Channel : Color ` * :schema:`Channel : ID ` * :schema:`Channel : Name ` * :schema:`Channel : SamplesPerPixel ` * :schema:`CommentAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`CommentAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`CommentAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`DoubleAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`DoubleAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`DoubleAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`Ellipse : ID ` * :schema:`Ellipse : RadiusX ` * :schema:`Ellipse : RadiusY ` * :schema:`Ellipse : X ` * :schema:`Ellipse : Y ` * :schema:`Image : AcquisitionDate ` * :schema:`Image : AnnotationRef ` * :schema:`Image : ID ` * :schema:`Image : Name ` * :schema:`Image : ROIRef ` * :schema:`Label : ID ` * :schema:`Label : Text ` * :schema:`Label : X ` * :schema:`Label : Y ` * :schema:`Line : ID ` * :schema:`Line : X1 ` * :schema:`Line : X2 ` * :schema:`Line : Y1 ` * :schema:`Line : Y2 ` * :schema:`LongAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`LongAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`LongAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`Mask : BinData ` * :schema:`Mask : BinDataBigEndian ` * :schema:`Mask : Height ` * :schema:`Mask : ID ` * :schema:`Mask : Width ` * :schema:`Mask : X ` * :schema:`Mask : Y ` * :schema:`Pixels : BigEndian ` * :schema:`Pixels : DimensionOrder ` * :schema:`Pixels : ID ` * :schema:`Pixels : Interleaved ` * :schema:`Pixels : PhysicalSizeX ` * :schema:`Pixels : PhysicalSizeY ` * :schema:`Pixels : PhysicalSizeZ ` * :schema:`Pixels : SignificantBits ` * :schema:`Pixels : SizeC ` * :schema:`Pixels : SizeT ` * :schema:`Pixels : SizeX ` * :schema:`Pixels : SizeY ` * :schema:`Pixels : SizeZ ` * :schema:`Pixels : Type ` * :schema:`Plane : DeltaT ` * :schema:`Plane : ExposureTime ` * :schema:`Plane : PositionX ` * :schema:`Plane : PositionY ` * :schema:`Plane : PositionZ ` * :schema:`Plane : TheC ` * :schema:`Plane : TheT ` * :schema:`Plane : TheZ ` * :schema:`Point : ID ` * :schema:`Point : X ` * :schema:`Point : Y ` * :schema:`Polygon : ID ` * :schema:`Polygon : Points ` * :schema:`Polyline : ID ` * :schema:`Polyline : Points ` * :schema:`ROI : ID ` * :schema:`Rectangle : Height ` * :schema:`Rectangle : ID ` * :schema:`Rectangle : Width ` * :schema:`Rectangle : X ` * :schema:`Rectangle : Y ` * :schema:`TagAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`TagAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`TagAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`TermAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`TermAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`TermAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`TimestampAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`TimestampAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`TimestampAnnotation : Value ` * :schema:`WellSample : PositionX ` * :schema:`WellSample : PositionY ` * :schema:`XMLAnnotation : ID ` * :schema:`XMLAnnotation : Namespace ` * :schema:`XMLAnnotation : Value ` **Total supported: 91** **Total unknown or missing: 385**