Summary of supported metadata fields

Format readers

You can sort this table by clicking on any of the headings.

Reader Supported Unsupported Partial Unknown/Missing
AFIReader 30 0 0 446
AIMReader 22 0 0 454
APLReader 21 0 0 455
APNGReader 19 0 0 457
ARFReader 19 0 0 457
AVIReader 19 0 0 457
AliconaReader 33 0 0 443
AmiraReader 22 0 0 454
AnalyzeReader 24 0 0 452
BDReader 57 0 0 419
BIFormatReader 19 0 0 457
BMPReader 21 0 0 455
BaseTiffReader 28 0 0 448
BaseZeissReader 84 0 0 392
BioRadGelReader 21 0 0 455
BioRadReader 40 0 0 436
BioRadSCNReader 29 0 0 447
BrukerReader 23 0 0 453
BurleighReader 22 0 0 454
CV7000Reader 54 0 0 422
CanonRawReader 19 0 0 457
CellH5Reader 41 0 0 435
CellSensReader 46 0 0 430
CellVoyagerReader 39 0 0 437
CellWorxReader 47 0 0 429
CellomicsReader 31 0 0 445
ColumbusReader 40 0 0 436
DNGReader 19 0 0 457
DeltavisionReader 51 0 0 425
DicomReader 26 0 0 450
EPSReader 19 0 0 457
Ecat7Reader 23 0 0 453
FEIReader 19 0 0 457
FEITiffReader 39 0 0 437
FV1000Reader 113 0 0 363
FakeReader 87 0 0 389
FilePatternReader 19 0 0 457
FitsReader 19 0 0 457
FlexReader 69 0 0 407
FlowSightReader 20 0 0 456
FluoviewReader 49 0 0 427
FujiReader 23 0 0 453
GIFReader 19 0 0 457
GatanDM2Reader 30 0 0 446
GatanReader 69 0 0 407
GelReader 21 0 0 455
HISReader 27 0 0 449
HRDGDFReader 21 0 0 455
HamamatsuVMSReader 26 0 0 450
HitachiReader 31 0 0 445
I2IReader 19 0 0 457
ICSReader 72 0 0 404
IM3Reader 19 0 0 457
IMODReader 44 0 0 432
INRReader 22 0 0 454
IPLabReader 31 0 0 445
IPWReader 20 0 0 456
ImaconReader 23 0 0 453
ImageIOReader 19 0 0 457
ImagicReader 22 0 0 454
ImarisHDFReader 23 0 0 453
ImarisReader 32 0 0 444
ImarisTiffReader 23 0 0 453
ImprovisionTiffReader 26 0 0 450
ImspectorReader 19 0 0 457
InCell3000Reader 19 0 0 457
InCellReader 69 0 0 407
InveonReader 30 0 0 446
IonpathMIBITiffReader 22 0 0 454
IvisionReader 34 0 0 442
JEOLReader 19 0 0 457
JPEG2000Reader 19 0 0 457
JPEGReader 19 0 0 457
JPKReader 19 0 0 457
JPXReader 19 0 0 457
KLBReader 22 0 0 454
KhorosReader 19 0 0 457
KodakReader 26 0 0 450
L2DReader 29 0 0 447
LEOReader 27 0 0 449
LIFReader 85 0 0 391
LIMReader 19 0 0 457
LegacyND2Reader 19 0 0 457
LegacyQTReader 19 0 0 457
LeicaReader 56 0 0 420
LeicaSCNReader 33 0 0 443
LiFlimReader 25 0 0 451
MIASReader 65 0 0 411
MINCReader 26 0 0 450
MNGReader 19 0 0 457
MRCReader 22 0 0 454
MRWReader 19 0 0 457
MetamorphReader 58 0 0 418
MetamorphTiffReader 43 0 0 433
MicromanagerReader 41 0 0 435
MinimalTiffReader 19 0 0 457
MolecularImagingReader 21 0 0 455
NAFReader 19 0 0 457
ND2Reader 19 0 0 457
NDPIReader 28 0 0 448
NDPISReader 21 0 0 455
NRRDReader 22 0 0 454
NativeND2Reader 52 0 0 424
NativeQTReader 19 0 0 457
NiftiReader 24 0 0 452
NikonElementsTiffReader 50 0 0 426
NikonReader 19 0 0 457
NikonTiffReader 47 0 0 429
OBFReader 19 0 0 457
OIRReader 46 0 0 430
OMETiffReader 19 0 0 457
OMEXMLReader 19 0 0 457
OpenlabRawReader 19 0 0 457
OpenlabReader 32 0 0 444
OperettaReader 59 0 0 417
OxfordInstrumentsReader 22 0 0 454
PCIReader 29 0 0 447
PCORAWReader 26 0 0 450
PCXReader 19 0 0 457
PDSReader 23 0 0 453
PGMReader 19 0 0 457
PQBinReader 21 0 0 455
PSDReader 19 0 0 457
PerkinElmerReader 30 0 0 446
PhotoshopTiffReader 19 0 0 457
PictReader 19 0 0 457
PovrayReader 19 0 0 457
PrairieReader 46 0 0 430
PyramidTiffReader 19 0 0 457
QTReader 19 0 0 457
QuesantReader 22 0 0 454
RHKReader 22 0 0 454
SBIGReader 22 0 0 454
SDTReader 19 0 0 457
SEQReader 20 0 0 456
SIFReader 20 0 0 456
SISReader 33 0 0 443
SMCameraReader 19 0 0 457
SPCReader 19 0 0 457
SPEReader 30 0 0 446
SVSReader 29 0 0 447
ScanrReader 43 0 0 433
SeikoReader 22 0 0 454
SimplePCITiffReader 33 0 0 443
SlidebookReader 34 0 0 442
SlidebookTiffReader 30 0 0 446
SpiderReader 21 0 0 455
TCSReader 22 0 0 454
TargaReader 20 0 0 456
TextReader 19 0 0 457
TiffDelegateReader 19 0 0 457
TiffJAIReader 19 0 0 457
TiffReader 22 0 0 454
TileJPEGReader 19 0 0 457
TillVisionReader 22 0 0 454
TopometrixReader 22 0 0 454
TrestleReader 27 0 0 449
UBMReader 19 0 0 457
UnisokuReader 22 0 0 454
VGSAMReader 19 0 0 457
VarianFDFReader 25 0 0 451
VectraReader 31 0 0 445
VeecoReader 19 0 0 457
VisitechReader 19 0 0 457
VolocityClippingReader 19 0 0 457
VolocityReader 38 0 0 438
WATOPReader 22 0 0 454
WlzReader 26 0 0 450
ZeissCZIReader 159 0 0 317
ZeissLMSReader 23 0 0 453
ZeissLSMReader 101 0 0 375
ZeissTIFFReader 19 0 0 457
ZeissZVIReader 19 0 0 457
ZipReader 19 0 0 457

Metadata fields

You can sort this table by clicking on any of the headings.

Field Supported Unsupported Partial Unknown/Missing
Arc - ID 0 0 0 174
Arc - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Arc - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
Arc - Model 1 0 0 173
Arc - Power 1 0 0 173
Arc - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
Arc - Type 0 0 0 174
BooleanAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
BooleanAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
BooleanAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
BooleanAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
BooleanAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
Channel - AcquisitionMode 5 0 0 169
Channel - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Channel - Color 15 0 0 159
Channel - ContrastMethod 1 0 0 173
Channel - EmissionWavelength 23 0 0 151
Channel - ExcitationWavelength 21 0 0 153
Channel - FilterSetRef 1 0 0 173
Channel - Fluor 1 0 0 173
Channel - ID 174 0 0 0
Channel - IlluminationType 3 0 0 171
Channel - LightSourceSettingsAttenuation 1 0 0 173
Channel - LightSourceSettingsID 7 0 0 167
Channel - LightSourceSettingsWavelength 2 0 0 172
Channel - NDFilter 2 0 0 172
Channel - Name 40 0 0 134
Channel - PinholeSize 11 0 0 163
Channel - PockelCellSetting 0 0 0 174
Channel - SamplesPerPixel 174 0 0 0
CommentAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
CommentAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
CommentAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
CommentAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
CommentAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
Dataset - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Dataset - Description 0 0 0 174
Dataset - ExperimenterGroupRef 0 0 0 174
Dataset - ExperimenterRef 0 0 0 174
Dataset - ID 0 0 0 174
Dataset - ImageRef 0 0 0 174
Dataset - Name 0 0 0 174
Detector - AmplificationGain 2 0 0 172
Detector - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Detector - Gain 7 0 0 167
Detector - ID 36 0 0 138
Detector - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Detector - Manufacturer 5 0 0 169
Detector - Model 14 0 0 160
Detector - Offset 7 0 0 167
Detector - SerialNumber 4 0 0 170
Detector - Type 28 0 0 146
Detector - Voltage 3 0 0 171
Detector - Zoom 4 0 0 170
DetectorSettings - Binning 18 0 0 156
DetectorSettings - Gain 20 0 0 154
DetectorSettings - ID 34 0 0 140
DetectorSettings - Offset 9 0 0 165
DetectorSettings - ReadOutRate 5 0 0 169
DetectorSettings - Voltage 6 0 0 168
Dichroic - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Dichroic - ID 6 0 0 168
Dichroic - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Dichroic - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
Dichroic - Model 6 0 0 168
Dichroic - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
DoubleAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
DoubleAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
DoubleAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
DoubleAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
DoubleAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
Ellipse - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - FontSize 3 0 0 171
Ellipse - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - ID 7 0 0 167
Ellipse - Locked 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - RadiusX 7 0 0 167
Ellipse - RadiusY 7 0 0 167
Ellipse - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Ellipse - StrokeDashArray 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - StrokeWidth 2 0 0 172
Ellipse - Text 4 0 0 170
Ellipse - TheC 0 0 0 174
Ellipse - TheT 2 0 0 172
Ellipse - TheZ 2 0 0 172
Ellipse - Transform 2 0 0 172
Ellipse - X 7 0 0 167
Ellipse - Y 7 0 0 167
Experiment - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Experiment - Description 1 0 0 173
Experiment - ExperimenterRef 0 0 0 174
Experiment - ID 5 0 0 169
Experiment - Type 5 0 0 169
Experimenter - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Experimenter - Email 2 0 0 172
Experimenter - FirstName 5 0 0 169
Experimenter - ID 11 0 0 163
Experimenter - Institution 4 0 0 170
Experimenter - LastName 9 0 0 165
Experimenter - MiddleName 1 0 0 173
Experimenter - UserName 3 0 0 171
ExperimenterGroup - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
ExperimenterGroup - Description 0 0 0 174
ExperimenterGroup - ExperimenterRef 0 0 0 174
ExperimenterGroup - ID 0 0 0 174
ExperimenterGroup - Leader 0 0 0 174
ExperimenterGroup - Name 0 0 0 174
Filament - ID 0 0 0 174
Filament - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Filament - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
Filament - Model 1 0 0 173
Filament - Power 1 0 0 173
Filament - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
Filament - Type 0 0 0 174
FileAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
FileAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
FileAnnotation - ID 0 0 0 174
FileAnnotation - Namespace 0 0 0 174
Filter - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Filter - FilterWheel 2 0 0 172
Filter - ID 8 0 0 166
Filter - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Filter - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
Filter - Model 8 0 0 166
Filter - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
Filter - Type 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - DichroicRef 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - EmissionFilterRef 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - ExcitationFilterRef 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - ID 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
FilterSet - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
FilterSet - Model 2 0 0 172
FilterSet - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
Folder - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Folder - Description 0 0 0 174
Folder - FolderRef 0 0 0 174
Folder - ID 0 0 0 174
Folder - ImageRef 0 0 0 174
Folder - Name 0 0 0 174
Folder - ROIRef 0 0 0 174
Image - AcquisitionDate 174 0 0 0
Image - AnnotationRef 1 0 0 173
Image - Description 46 0 0 128
Image - ExperimentRef 2 0 0 172
Image - ExperimenterGroupRef 0 0 0 174
Image - ExperimenterRef 6 0 0 168
Image - ID 174 0 0 0
Image - InstrumentRef 50 0 0 124
Image - MicrobeamManipulationRef 0 0 0 174
Image - Name 174 0 0 0
Image - ROIRef 15 0 0 159
ImagingEnvironment - AirPressure 1 0 0 173
ImagingEnvironment - CO2Percent 1 0 0 173
ImagingEnvironment - Humidity 1 0 0 173
ImagingEnvironment - Temperature 10 0 0 164
Instrument - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Instrument - ID 56 0 0 118
Label - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Label - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Label - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Label - FontSize 3 0 0 171
Label - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Label - ID 6 0 0 168
Label - Locked 0 0 0 174
Label - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Label - StrokeDashArray 0 0 0 174
Label - StrokeWidth 2 0 0 172
Label - Text 6 0 0 168
Label - TheC 0 0 0 174
Label - TheT 0 0 0 174
Label - TheZ 0 0 0 174
Label - Transform 0 0 0 174
Label - X 6 0 0 168
Label - Y 6 0 0 168
Laser - FrequencyMultiplication 0 0 0 174
Laser - ID 11 0 0 163
Laser - LaserMedium 8 0 0 166
Laser - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Laser - Manufacturer 2 0 0 172
Laser - Model 5 0 0 169
Laser - PockelCell 0 0 0 174
Laser - Power 4 0 0 170
Laser - Pulse 0 0 0 174
Laser - Pump 0 0 0 174
Laser - RepetitionRate 1 0 0 173
Laser - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
Laser - Tuneable 0 0 0 174
Laser - Type 8 0 0 166
Laser - Wavelength 9 0 0 165
LightEmittingDiode - ID 0 0 0 174
LightEmittingDiode - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
LightEmittingDiode - Manufacturer 1 0 0 173
LightEmittingDiode - Model 1 0 0 173
LightEmittingDiode - Power 1 0 0 173
LightEmittingDiode - SerialNumber 1 0 0 173
LightPath - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
LightPath - DichroicRef 3 0 0 171
LightPath - EmissionFilterRef 5 0 0 169
LightPath - ExcitationFilterRef 1 0 0 173
Line - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Line - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Line - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Line - FontSize 3 0 0 171
Line - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Line - ID 7 0 0 167
Line - Locked 0 0 0 174
Line - MarkerEnd 0 0 0 174
Line - MarkerStart 0 0 0 174
Line - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Line - StrokeDashArray 0 0 0 174
Line - StrokeWidth 2 0 0 172
Line - Text 3 0 0 171
Line - TheC 0 0 0 174
Line - TheT 1 0 0 173
Line - TheZ 1 0 0 173
Line - Transform 1 0 0 173
Line - X1 7 0 0 167
Line - X2 7 0 0 167
Line - Y1 7 0 0 167
Line - Y2 7 0 0 167
ListAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
ListAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
ListAnnotation - ID 0 0 0 174
ListAnnotation - Namespace 0 0 0 174
LongAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
LongAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
LongAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
LongAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
LongAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
Mask - BinData 3 0 0 171
Mask - BinDataBigEndian 1 0 0 173
Mask - BinDataBigLength 0 0 0 174
Mask - BinDataCompression 0 0 0 174
Mask - FillColor 1 0 0 173
Mask - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Mask - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Mask - FontSize 0 0 0 174
Mask - Height 3 0 0 171
Mask - ID 3 0 0 171
Mask - Locked 0 0 0 174
Mask - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Mask - StrokeDashArray 0 0 0 174
Mask - StrokeWidth 0 0 0 174
Mask - Text 0 0 0 174
Mask - TheC 0 0 0 174
Mask - TheT 0 0 0 174
Mask - TheZ 0 0 0 174
Mask - Transform 0 0 0 174
Mask - Width 3 0 0 171
Mask - X 3 0 0 171
Mask - Y 3 0 0 171
MicrobeamManipulation - ExperimenterRef 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulation - ID 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulation - ROIRef 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulation - Type 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettings - Attenuation 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettings - ID 0 0 0 174
MicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettings - Wavelength 0 0 0 174
Microscope - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Microscope - Manufacturer 2 0 0 172
Microscope - Model 12 0 0 162
Microscope - SerialNumber 4 0 0 170
Microscope - Type 3 0 0 171
Objective - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Objective - CalibratedMagnification 8 0 0 166
Objective - Correction 25 0 0 149
Objective - ID 41 0 0 133
Objective - Immersion 27 0 0 147
Objective - Iris 2 0 0 172
Objective - LensNA 23 0 0 151
Objective - LotNumber 1 0 0 173
Objective - Manufacturer 5 0 0 169
Objective - Model 16 0 0 158
Objective - NominalMagnification 32 0 0 142
Objective - SerialNumber 3 0 0 171
Objective - WorkingDistance 11 0 0 163
ObjectiveSettings - CorrectionCollar 1 0 0 173
ObjectiveSettings - ID 36 0 0 138
ObjectiveSettings - Medium 1 0 0 173
ObjectiveSettings - RefractiveIndex 10 0 0 164
Pixels - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Pixels - BigEndian 174 0 0 0
Pixels - DimensionOrder 174 0 0 0
Pixels - ID 174 0 0 0
Pixels - Interleaved 174 0 0 0
Pixels - PhysicalSizeX 92 0 0 82
Pixels - PhysicalSizeY 92 0 0 82
Pixels - PhysicalSizeZ 46 0 0 128
Pixels - SignificantBits 174 0 0 0
Pixels - SizeC 174 0 0 0
Pixels - SizeT 174 0 0 0
Pixels - SizeX 174 0 0 0
Pixels - SizeY 174 0 0 0
Pixels - SizeZ 174 0 0 0
Pixels - TimeIncrement 17 0 0 157
Pixels - Type 174 0 0 0
Plane - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Plane - DeltaT 26 0 0 148
Plane - ExposureTime 34 0 0 140
Plane - HashSHA1 0 0 0 174
Plane - PositionX 33 0 0 141
Plane - PositionY 33 0 0 141
Plane - PositionZ 26 0 0 148
Plane - TheC 174 0 0 0
Plane - TheT 174 0 0 0
Plane - TheZ 174 0 0 0
Plate - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Plate - ColumnNamingConvention 8 0 0 166
Plate - Columns 9 0 0 165
Plate - Description 3 0 0 171
Plate - ExternalIdentifier 4 0 0 170
Plate - ID 13 0 0 161
Plate - Name 12 0 0 162
Plate - RowNamingConvention 8 0 0 166
Plate - Rows 9 0 0 165
Plate - Status 0 0 0 174
Plate - WellOriginX 1 0 0 173
Plate - WellOriginY 1 0 0 173
PlateAcquisition - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
PlateAcquisition - Description 0 0 0 174
PlateAcquisition - EndTime 3 0 0 171
PlateAcquisition - ID 10 0 0 164
PlateAcquisition - MaximumFieldCount 9 0 0 165
PlateAcquisition - Name 0 0 0 174
PlateAcquisition - StartTime 5 0 0 169
PlateAcquisition - WellSampleRef 10 0 0 164
Point - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Point - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Point - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Point - FontSize 1 0 0 173
Point - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Point - ID 4 0 0 170
Point - Locked 0 0 0 174
Point - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Point - StrokeDashArray 1 0 0 173
Point - StrokeWidth 2 0 0 172
Point - Text 1 0 0 173
Point - TheC 0 0 0 174
Point - TheT 1 0 0 173
Point - TheZ 2 0 0 172
Point - Transform 0 0 0 174
Point - X 4 0 0 170
Point - Y 4 0 0 170
Polygon - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Polygon - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Polygon - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Polygon - FontSize 2 0 0 172
Polygon - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Polygon - ID 8 0 0 166
Polygon - Locked 0 0 0 174
Polygon - Points 8 0 0 166
Polygon - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Polygon - StrokeDashArray 1 0 0 173
Polygon - StrokeWidth 3 0 0 171
Polygon - Text 2 0 0 172
Polygon - TheC 0 0 0 174
Polygon - TheT 1 0 0 173
Polygon - TheZ 2 0 0 172
Polygon - Transform 1 0 0 173
Polyline - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Polyline - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Polyline - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Polyline - FontSize 2 0 0 172
Polyline - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Polyline - ID 6 0 0 168
Polyline - Locked 0 0 0 174
Polyline - MarkerEnd 0 0 0 174
Polyline - MarkerStart 0 0 0 174
Polyline - Points 6 0 0 168
Polyline - StrokeColor 1 0 0 173
Polyline - StrokeDashArray 1 0 0 173
Polyline - StrokeWidth 3 0 0 171
Polyline - Text 2 0 0 172
Polyline - TheC 0 0 0 174
Polyline - TheT 1 0 0 173
Polyline - TheZ 2 0 0 172
Polyline - Transform 1 0 0 173
Project - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Project - DatasetRef 0 0 0 174
Project - Description 0 0 0 174
Project - ExperimenterGroupRef 0 0 0 174
Project - ExperimenterRef 0 0 0 174
Project - ID 0 0 0 174
Project - Name 0 0 0 174
ROI - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
ROI - Description 1 0 0 173
ROI - ID 15 0 0 159
ROI - Name 4 0 0 170
Reagent - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Reagent - Description 0 0 0 174
Reagent - ID 0 0 0 174
Reagent - Name 0 0 0 174
Reagent - ReagentIdentifier 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - FillColor 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - FillRule 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - FontFamily 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - FontSize 3 0 0 171
Rectangle - FontStyle 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - Height 11 0 0 163
Rectangle - ID 11 0 0 163
Rectangle - Locked 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - StrokeColor 2 0 0 172
Rectangle - StrokeDashArray 0 0 0 174
Rectangle - StrokeWidth 2 0 0 172
Rectangle - Text 4 0 0 170
Rectangle - TheC 1 0 0 173
Rectangle - TheT 2 0 0 172
Rectangle - TheZ 2 0 0 172
Rectangle - Transform 1 0 0 173
Rectangle - Width 11 0 0 163
Rectangle - X 11 0 0 163
Rectangle - Y 11 0 0 163
Screen - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Screen - Description 0 0 0 174
Screen - ID 1 0 0 173
Screen - Name 1 0 0 173
Screen - PlateRef 0 0 0 174
Screen - ProtocolDescription 0 0 0 174
Screen - ProtocolIdentifier 0 0 0 174
Screen - ReagentSetDescription 0 0 0 174
Screen - ReagentSetIdentifier 0 0 0 174
Screen - Type 0 0 0 174
StageLabel - Name 3 0 0 171
StageLabel - X 2 0 0 172
StageLabel - Y 2 0 0 172
StageLabel - Z 3 0 0 171
TagAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
TagAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
TagAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
TagAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
TagAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
TermAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
TermAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
TermAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
TermAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
TermAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
TiffData - FirstC 0 0 0 174
TiffData - FirstT 0 0 0 174
TiffData - FirstZ 0 0 0 174
TiffData - IFD 0 0 0 174
TiffData - PlaneCount 0 0 0 174
TimestampAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
TimestampAnnotation - Description 0 0 0 174
TimestampAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
TimestampAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
TimestampAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173
TransmittanceRange - CutIn 5 0 0 169
TransmittanceRange - CutInTolerance 1 0 0 173
TransmittanceRange - CutOut 5 0 0 169
TransmittanceRange - CutOutTolerance 1 0 0 173
TransmittanceRange - Transmittance 1 0 0 173
UUID - FileName 0 0 0 174
UUID - Value 0 0 0 174
Well - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
Well - Color 0 0 0 174
Well - Column 14 0 0 160
Well - ExternalDescription 0 0 0 174
Well - ExternalIdentifier 1 0 0 173
Well - ID 14 0 0 160
Well - ReagentRef 0 0 0 174
Well - Row 14 0 0 160
Well - Type 0 0 0 174
WellSample - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
WellSample - ID 14 0 0 160
WellSample - ImageRef 14 0 0 160
WellSample - Index 14 0 0 160
WellSample - PositionX 7 0 0 167
WellSample - PositionY 7 0 0 167
WellSample - Timepoint 0 0 0 174
XMLAnnotation - AnnotationRef 0 0 0 174
XMLAnnotation - ID 1 0 0 173
XMLAnnotation - Namespace 1 0 0 173
XMLAnnotation - Value 1 0 0 173