.. index:: EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) .. index:: .eps, .epsi, .ps EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) =============================================================================== Extensions: .eps, .epsi, .ps Developer: `Adobe <http://www.adobe.com/>`_ **Support** BSD-licensed: |yes| Export: |yes| Officially Supported Versions: Reader: EPSReader (:bsd-reader:`Source Code <EPSReader.java>`, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields </metadata/EPSReader>`) Writer: EPSWriter (:bsd-writer:`Source Code <EPSWriter.java>`) Freely Available Software: - `EPS Writer plugin for ImageJ <http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/eps-writer.html>`_ We currently have: * a few EPS datasets * the ability to produce new datasets We would like to have: **Ratings** Pixels: |Good| Metadata: |Good| Openness: |Good| Presence: |Very good| Utility: |Poor| **Additional Information** * Bio-Formats can save individual planes as EPS. * Certain types of compressed EPS files are not supported.