.. index:: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) .. index:: .tiff, .tif, .tf2, .tf8, .btf TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) =============================================================================== Extensions: .tiff, .tif, .tf2, .tf8, .btf Developer: Aldus and Microsoft Owner: `Adobe `_ **Support** BSD-licensed: |yes| Export: |yes| Officially Supported Versions: Reader: TiffReader (:bsd-reader:`Source Code `, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields `) Writer: TiffWriter (:bsd-writer:`Source Code `) Sample Datasets: - `LZW TIFF data gallery `_ - `Big TIFF `_ We currently have: * a `TIFF specification document `_ (v6.0, from 1992 June 3, in PDF) * many TIFF datasets * a few BigTIFF datasets We would like to have: **Ratings** Pixels: |Very good| Metadata: |Outstanding| Openness: |Outstanding| Presence: |Outstanding| Utility: |Fair| **Additional Information** Bio-Formats can also read BigTIFF files (TIFF files larger than 4 GB). Bio-Formats can save image stacks as TIFF or BigTIFF. .. seealso:: `TIFF technical overview `_ `BigTIFF technical overview `_