Bio-Formats features in ImageJ and Fiji ======================================= When you select Bio-Formats under the Plugin menu, you will see the following features: - The **Bio-Formats Importer** is a plugin for :doc:`loading images ` into ImageJ or Fiji. It can read over 140 proprietary life sciences formats and standardizes their acquisition metadata into the common :doc:`OME data model `. It will also extract and set basic metadata values such as `spatial calibration `_ if they are available in the file. - The **Bio-Formats Exporter** is a plugin for exporting data to disk. It can save to the open :model_doc:`OME-TIFF ` file format, as well as several movie formats (e.g. QuickTime, AVI) and graphics formats (e.g. PNG, JPEG). - The **Bio-Formats Remote Importer** is a plugin for importing data from a remote URL. It is likely to be less robust than working with files on disk, so we recommend downloading your data to disk and using the regular Bio-Formats Importer whenever possible. - The **Bio-Formats Windowless Importer** is a version of the Bio-Formats Importer plugin that runs with the last used settings to avoid any additional dialogs beyond the file chooser. If you always use the same import settings, you may wish to use the windowless importer to save time (Learn more :ref:`here `). - The **Bio-Formats Macro Extensions** plugin prints out the set of commands that can be used to create macro extensions.  The commands and the instructions for using them are printed to the ImageJ log window. - The **Stack Slicer** plugin is a helper plugin used by the Bio-Formats Importer. It can also be used to split a stack across channels, focal planes or time points. - The **Bio-Formats Plugins Configuration** dialog is a useful way to configure the behavior of each file format. The Formats tab lists supported file formats and toggles each format on or off, which is useful if your file is detected as the wrong format. It also toggles whether each format bypasses the importer options dialog through the "Windowless" checkbox. You can also configure any specific option for each format. The Libraries tab provides a list of available helper libraries used by Bio-Formats. - The **Bio-Formats Plugins Shortcut Window** opens a small window with a quick-launch button for each plugin. Dragging and dropping files onto the shortcut window opens them quickly using the **Bio-Formats Importer** plugin. - The **Update Bio-Formats Plugins** command will check for updates to the plugins. We recommend you update to the newest Trunk build as soon as you think you may have :doc:`discovered a bug. `