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ImagePro WorkspaceΒΆ

Extensions: .ipw

Owner: Media Cybernetics


BSD-licensed: No

Export: No

Officially Supported Versions:

Reader: IPWReader (Source Code, Supported Metadata Fields)

We currently have:

  • the Image-Pro Plus software
  • a few IPW datasets
  • the ability to produce more datasets

We would like to have:

  • an official IPW specification document
  • more IPW datasets:
    • multiple datasets in one file
    • 2+ GB files


Pixels: 4 - Very Good

Metadata: 4 - Very Good

Openness: 1 - Poor

Presence: 1 - Poor

Utility: 1 - Poor

Additional Information

Bio-Formats uses a modified version of the Apache Jakarta POI library to read IPW files.