
Bio-Formats Downloads
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Further details on exporting raw pixel data to OME-TIFF files

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Exporting files using Bio-Formats

This guide pertains to version 4.2 and later.

Basic conversion

The first thing we need to do is set up a reader:

// create a reader that will automatically handle any supported format
IFormatReader reader = new ImageReader();
// tell the reader where to store the metadata from the dataset
MetadataStore metadata;

try {
  ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory();
  OMEXMLService service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
  metadata = service.createOMEXMLMetadata();
catch (DependencyException exc) {
  throw new FormatException("Could not create OME-XML store.", exc);
catch (ServiceException exc) {
  throw new FormatException("Could not create OME-XML store.", exc);

// initialize the dataset

Now, we set up our writer:

// create a writer that will automatically handle any supported output format
IFormatWriter writer = new ImageWriter();
// give the writer a MetadataRetrieve object, which encapsulates all of the
// dimension information for the dataset (among many other things)
OMEXMLService service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
// initialize the writer

Note that the extension of the file name passed to ‘writer.setId(…)’ determines the file format of the exported file.

Now that everything is set up, we can start writing planes:

for (int series=0; series<reader.getSeriesCount(); series++) {

  for (int image=0; image<reader.getImageCount(); image++) {
    writer.saveBytes(image, reader.openBytes(image));

Finally, make sure to close both the reader and the writer. Failure to do so can cause:

  • file handle leaks
  • memory leaks
  • truncated output files

Fortunately, closing the files is very easy:


Converting to multiple files

The recommended method of converting to multiple files is to use a single IFormatWriter, like so:

// you should have set up a reader as in the first example
ImageWriter writer = new ImageWriter();
OMEXMLService service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
// replace this with your own filename definitions
// in this example, we're going to write half of the planes to one file
// and half of the planes to another file
String[] outputFiles =
  new String[] {"/path/to/file/1.tiff", "/path/to/file/2.tiff"};

int planesPerFile = reader.getImageCount() / outputFiles.length;
for (int file=0; file<outputFiles.length; file++) {
  for (int image=0; image<planesPerFile; image++) {
    int index = file * planesPerFile + image;
    writer.saveBytes(image, reader.openBytes(index));


The advantage here is that the relationship between the files is preserved when converting to formats that support multi-file datasets internally (namely OME-TIFF). If you are only converting to graphics formats (e.g. JPEG, AVI, MOV), then you could also use a separate IFormatWriter for each file, like this:

OMEXMLService service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
// again, you should have set up a reader already
String[] outputFiles = new String[] {"/path/to/file/1.avi", "/path/to/file/2.avi"};
int planesPerFile = reader.getImageCount() / outputFiles.length;
for (int file=0; file<outputFiles.length; file++) {
  ImageWriter writer = new ImageWriter();
  for (int image=0; image<planesPerFile; image++) {
    int index = file * planesPerFile + image;
    writer.saveBytes(image, reader.openBytes(index));

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