######################### Bio-Formats Documentation ######################### The following documentation is split into four parts. :doc:`about/index` explains the goal of the software, discusses how it processes metadata, and provides other useful information such as version history and how to report bugs. :doc:`users/index` focuses on how to use Bio-Formats as a plugin for ImageJ and Fiji, and also gives details of other software packages which can use Bio-Formats to read and write microscopy formats. :doc:`developers/index` covers more indepth information on using Bio-Formats as a Java library and how to interface from non-Java codes. Finally, :doc:`formats/index` is a guide to all the file formats currently supported by Bio-Formats. .. only:: html - :doc:`about/index` - :doc:`users/index` - :doc:`developers/index` - :doc:`formats/index` The version *5.2* releases use the *June 2016* release of the :model_doc:`OME-Model <>`. **Bio-Formats is a community project and we welcome your input.** You can find guidance on :doc:`about/bug-reporting`, upload files to our `QA system `_ for testing, and :community_plone:`contact us <>` via our mailing lists or forums. Further information about how the OME team works and how you can contribute to our projects is in the :devs_doc:`Contributing Developer Documentation <>`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: about/index users/index developers/index formats/index