.. index:: Amersham Biosciences Gel
.. index:: .gel

Amersham Biosciences Gel

Extensions: .gel

Developer: Molecular Dynamics

Owner: `GE Healthcare Life Sciences <http://www.gelifesciences.com/>`_


BSD-licensed: |no|

Export: |no|

Officially Supported Versions: 

Reader: GelReader (:bfreader:`Source Code <GelReader.java>`, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields </metadata/GelReader>`)

We currently have:

* a GEL specification document (Revision 2, from 2001 Mar 15, in PDF) 
* a few GEL datasets

We would like to have:


Pixels: |Very good|

Metadata: |Very good|

Openness: |Good|

Presence: |Fair|

Utility: |Fair|

**Additional Information**

**Please note that while we have specification documents for this
format, we are not able to distribute them to third parties.**

.. seealso:: 
  `GEL Technical Overview <http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/docs/gel.html>`_