Properties ========== As of milestone :milestone:`OMERO-Beta4` (:ticket:`800`), client usage of these properties has significantly changed. Please see the :doc:`sysadmin documentation ` for how to configure your server installation. Under the ``etc/`` directory in both the source and the binary distributions, several files are provided which help to configure OMERO.server: :: etc/ - Our central configuration file with all defaults. etc/ - Required by Hibernate since some properties are only configurable via a file. etc/log4j.xml - Logging configuration etc/ - The properties that you will most likely want to change. This file can be copied to etc/ to being, or alternatively you can run "java omero setup" (Name will change to "…default") etc/ - Local overrides for other properties (used by build only) During the build, these files get stored in the ``blitz.jar`` and are read-only. On creation of an :doc:`/developers/Server/Context`, the lookup for properties is (first wins): - Properties passed into the constructor (if none, then the default properties in :source:`config.xml `) - set via "java -Dproperty=value" - Configuration files in order listed. This ordering is defined for the various components via "placeholder configurers" in: - :source:`components/server/resources/ome/services/services.xml` Once configured at start, all values declared in one of the mentioned ways can be used in Spring configurations via the syntax: ::